Elliott was born today. We are going to have a blast together.
Yummy yummy
Blow that tummy
Pitter patter feet
Smiles of little teeth
I like those snuggles
Like nothing else
Warm and wiggly
The smell of cell division
little breath
little fingers
snuggles linger
The feeling is sublime
I find them divine
God-like creatures
Perfect and new
Nothing changes and we never do
Suggesting maybe some of us have just lost our way
Ranging minds and emotion
Bodies in motion
Wrap me in ebullience
I cannot define
Read more!
Yummy yummy
Blow that tummy
Pitter patter feet
Smiles of little teeth
I like those snuggles
Like nothing else
Warm and wiggly
The smell of cell division
little breath
little fingers
snuggles linger
The feeling is sublime
I find them divine
God-like creatures
Perfect and new
Nothing changes and we never do
Suggesting maybe some of us have just lost our way
Ranging minds and emotion
Bodies in motion
Wrap me in ebullience
I cannot define
Read more!